Our Team

Some Friendly Faces You May Come To Know.


Trevor Luther - Head Brewer

Since 2012 Trevor Luther has been helping put Grove City Brewing Company on the map with delicious one of a kind craft brews. Trevor hales from a small town and takes his pride in building great relationships and community through his craft beer. “It’s a love and passion of mine. Striving for quality and happiness in each and every pour”- Trevor.

Joe weeks - Vintner

Joe has been with us since 2015, bringing years of experience in logistics and operations to Plum Run. Joe is a graduate of The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences. He enjoys making fruit forward and balanced wines. His favorite varieties include Cabernet Franc, Chardonel, & Chenin Blanc.


Amanda - Tap Room manager

Originally from Kentucky, now a forever Ohioan. She loves making sure the staff is on their A game to be sure our guests have the best experience possible. She loves being a foodie and exploring all the hidden gems in our area.